A renowned marketing expert has announced the launch of his new book, with unique learnings and proven tactics for marketing to Generation Z.
Emanuel Rose, a recognized expert in marketing, sales, lead generation, branding and advertising, has released his new book ‘Authenticity: Marketing to Generation Z’. He has worked for more than a decade within the day-to-day operations of a digital agency. For over thirty years, Emanuel has gone the extra mile to seek innovative marketing tactics, pioneer cutting-edge lead generation and marketing strategies for his clients.
Now, he’s making waves within the industry with the release of his new book, ‘Authenticity: Marketing to Generation Z’. As a marketing and sales professional, Emanuel sees 2023 as the perfect time and opportunity to truly understand Generation Z, and how to engage them effectively in marketing campaigns and strategies.
“So many businesses are turning a blind eye to marketing strategies tailored towards Generation Z,” says Emanuel.
“This is often because they don’t see it as important to the success of their business, or because they simply don’t understand how to connect with this audience. Something businesses, agencies and marketing professionals need to understand however, is the importance of learning more about this fantastic generation of people born between 1997 and 2012. They are the future, and they’re ushering in a whole new landscape in the world of business. There’s no better time to learn more about them, and discover how to connect with them both digitally and beyond.”

Generation Z is perhaps the most diverse and digitally savvy generation the world has ever seen. This is why everyone, no matter what business you’re in, needs to begin the journey of gaining a better understanding of how Generation Z affects the economy and business environment.
Within the book, Emanuel reviews the demographics of Generation X, explores successful marketing campaigns that were explicitly directed at Generation Z, and dives into developing a fully-fledged marketing plan and web presence for both Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Consumer (B2C) campaigns.
“Generation Z is perhaps the most diverse and digitally savvy generation the world has ever seen. This is why everyone, no matter what business you’re in, needs to begin the journey of gaining a better understanding of how Generation Z affects the economy and business environment,” says Emanuel.
The book covers a clear review of the Generation, their goals, and triggers, covering topics such as the digital revolution, the case of the social CEO, values-driven marketing, the e-commerce mandate, demographics and psychographics, and how to market products and services to this generation successfully.
“It may seem impossible, but my book proves just how anyone can market to Generation Z’s needs. Through my experience and research, I’ll show you how to update your marketing tactics, and engage this generation – which I believe is as hard working and dedicated a group as any – and who are entering an influential part of their lives. Now is the time to learn about them. Don’t fall behind, and get started on this journey of development today.”
The book ends with tips and advice to help businesses get their marketing plans into action, so that they can successfully start connecting with this age group. Now available for pre-order, with orders sent out from 27 February 2023, a portion of the proceeds from each book will also be donated to Camp Jack Hazard, a foundation based in Dardanelle, CA.
It’s Emanuel’s rich and diverse experience that further emphasises the strength of his unique skill set, which is something he acquired throughout many years of persistent growth. When leading a digital agency, and serving as a pioneering professional in lead generation and retention, his expertise and understanding have not only been central to the success of his career, but also his leadership of the digital agency he founded.
In addition to a rich sales and marketing career, Emanuel has also written books for children, called Wenaha Henry: The Red Tailed Hawk. An outdoorsman with a deep passion for nature, he has fly-fished all over the world, and bird-hunted many places in North America.
Notes to Editors
‘AUTHENTICITY: Marketing to Generation Z (People born between 1997 to 2012)’ will be available from 1 January 2023, and can be pre-ordered from just $14.95, with deliveries expected from February 27th 2023. The book will be published by Strategic eMarketing.
To purchase the book, please head to https://strategicadventuremarketing.com/product/authenticity-marketing-to-generation-z-people-born-between-1997-to-2012/
To find out more about the book, please visit: https://strategicadventuremarketing.com/product/authenticity-marketing-to-generation-z-people-born-between-1997-to-2012/
A portion of the proceeds of each book will be donated to https://www.campjackhazard.org/.